The four seasons


The reason for the seasons lies in Space.

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Our planet Earth plots a path through space that takes it around the Sun. This path, or orbit, takes one year. The Earth is tilted, so over the year first one and then the other Pole leans towards the Sun, giving us seasons. In June, for example, the North Pole leans towards the Sun. The Sun heats the northern half of Earth and there is summer.

 Northern winter and southern summer happen when the Southern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun.

When it is summer’ in Argentina, it is winter in Canada.

In December, the South Pole leans towards the Sun. Places in the southern half of the world, such as Argentina, have summer. At the same time, places in the northern half, such as Canada, have winter.

A day can last 21 hours!


Night and day happen because Earth is spinning as it circles the Sun. At the height of summer, places near the North Pole are so tilted towards the Sun that it is light almost all dag long. In Stockholm, Sweden, Midsummer’s Eve lasts 21 hours because the Sun disappears below the horizon for only three hours.

 At the North Pole, the Sun never disappears below the horizon at Midsummer’s Pay.

Deciduous trees like these lose their leaves in autumn, but evergreens keep their leaves all year round.

Forests change colour in the autumn.


Autumn comes between summer and winter. Trees prepare for the cold winter months ahead by losing their leaves. First, though, they suck back the precious green chlorophyll, or dye, in their leaves, making them turn glorious shades of red, orange and brown.

What is weather?


Rain,Sun-shin, snow and Storms are all types of weather.


This help us decide what clothes we wear, what food we eat, and what kind of life we lead.

Weather also affects how animals and plants survive.

Different types of weather are caused by what is happening in the atmosphere, the air above our heads.

In some parts of the world, the weather changes every day, in others, it is nearly always the same.



Tropical,temperate and polar are all types of climate.


Climate is the name we give to patterns of weather over a period of time.

Near the Equator, the weather is mostly hot and steamy.

We call this a tropical climate.

Near the North and south Poles, ice lies on the ground year-round and there are biting-cold blizzards.

This is a polar climate.

Most of the world has a temperate climate, with a mix of cold and worm seasons.



In general, the warmest climates are found close to the Equator, an imaginary line around the middle of the world.

The closer to the Poles, the cooler the climate.