Are you try any shortcuts ?

Are you try any shortcuts ?


Excerpts from many sites on the internet as their situation is a quote that says,” You know what to do, who do you believe you can not do that!”

This would be a great thing, but the convenience of our daily work, but we just do not try to turn out a certain structure. Basically, we have to talk to our Internet or computer-to-day operations continue to speed. Thus further may be something new, something unexpected result can be obtained in a way that most of us do not.

Such a nice way to try out a new way – to use shortcuts. Even though there is no shortcut to success, many on the net that the computer can be useful shortcut to success, such as …

  • If you do not remember to take a simple shortcut – Ctrl + Shift + t. Soon you off than I eksidantali tab will be open again.


  • Again, if you have many tabs open and go to many tab between the last tab is going to press Ctrl + 9. To be the first tab Ctrl + 1.


  • No link to any webpage you’re on the job you think you want to open a new tab, right? Now there are two options, you can read the new link in a new tab and go to the finish, or go directly to the new link. Until you’re done reading in braground will open a new link in a new tab if you want. Press Ctrl and click on the link. Going straight in a new tab or press Ctrl + Shift, and click a link.


  • If you are reading someone’s email in Gmail and want to s to simply press R replay box will open.



  • Alt + 1 Do  go to the Facebook homepage.
  • Alt + 1 to go to the profile page.
  • write a new message use Alt + 1.
  • Press Alt + 5 To view notification.


  •  However, these shortcuts are cool, Chrome, Firefox and Alteration of their functions are, we’ll add the Shift key combination to use these shortcuts. Internet Explorer (even if you use it!) For each combination, then press the Enter key to get the look – it’s easier than a mouse dodavavum.

There is no need to remember all the shortcuts, but the majority of these will need to try.

According to the requirements of your job and the shortcut will be useful to you so that you will be automatically and you shall go out to find another shortcut!

Our Data On Sale!!

Our data On Sale!!!!spokeo

So zealous about the world we live in, we are serving lots-of personal information, day after day, on the internet.

Stop to social media, the world is now going to do some sort of privacy. We are friends, we used to stay in touch with a relative, a site that many people who are not in our interests for the purposes of use. A glimpse of what the coming days, we will let you know about a website today. This website is only for U.S. citizens now living, so do not be so anxious!

Three – four years before moving to the U.S. in ’emails and Facebook wall is narrowed due to spread a message:” Everyone For Your Information: spokiyo. Com, a website on the image of your home, its value and your family have a lot of personal information Today, let’s check and delete your information …”

The fact that the tracks on the internet – like Stella Scam This is a scam. Spokeo. COM ( ) is the name of a website. Look and feel of the site to provide the most professional service in the U.S. citizens residing in a variety of information (actually, many) online and offline sources and collecting information gleaned from the public, the all to see-places. , As well as, all other information that may not be publicly available for free to sell!


To gauge the full site, go to our site to search and fantasy name. A person’s name on the site’s home page, e – mail, phone-number, username into address that no one can find the detailed information about them. The abundance of our brothers live, taking the surname of a fictional name and let her search.

Search on a map of the various states in the United States named in the search patel-brothers we live in is evident. Please choose from one heading, spokeo about how much information a person has, we have seen a glimpse of it. Profile Details, such as their name, age, phone-number, email address, current address, household members detailing, marital States, can learn about the business and education. Location History section, we’ve searched patelabhai America, where he has been living in all of its details and the details of the property can be checked. Family background section, in each of their family members who are (each of which, again, all the information can be obtained).

Photos and Social Profile section spokeo site that we inform you that your relative related proudfull all the photos and videos you can see, the search engines are able to find all of their personal videos, online, blogs, comments all of You’ll see. ” I know we have a Facebook, but only 81 spokeo from social sites, we may collect information.

Neighborhood section of the people living around our relatives income, the value of their homes, occupation, age, gender etc. can be learned.

We preach that the information above is provided  responsible should use. “The illegal use of this information is strictly prohibited, it is called (in the newspaper saying that putting your hands carefully, it is strictly prohibited to swat flies!). It is now clearly a given that your purchase will be kept confidential, we are not aware of patelabhaine that you have to buy their data.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act is about the ability of the United States, eight million dollars for breach of the site was fine, but the site is still going on! In fact, on the site of the CNS, volastritajarnala, NBC News and the media took notice of claim to be reputable, but it was not a link. Search yourself than to know that this article has given against each publication spokiyoni! People want their information removed from the spokiyo can also spokiyo clearly says that it is likely the source of your information tharta Party!

He has also been spokiyo sites and services that are running huge. It will rely on the media, spread panic among people, but also the laws of the United States continue to restrict the services being not good!

How to change Gmail password?

How to change Gmail password?


Gmail – or any other online services – on a regular basis, such as developing a habit to change the password as frequently. But Gmail, not experience man the work is a little difficult, because of the option to change the password settings within a mined. Gmail password change …

  1. After the Gmail login screen appears on the right-hand side, click on the Settings button and gear.
  2. Click on the settings again.
  3. Open the Accounts tab of the settings page opens.
  4. The first option is to change the account settings.
  5. Click on the Change Password.
  6. Here again, type your current password.
  7. Remember you live in the following box, type the password that is difficult to predict, even for a second, re-writing it and confirm the new password by clicking Change Password to save!

I specifically remember the fact that you have a Gmail password can not be used again.