Insects Everywhere!



The housefly is one of the most common, widespread and annoying insects.



(housefly )

There are many other members of the fly group, such as bluebottles, horseflies, craneflies (“daddy longlegs”) and fruitflies.

They all have two wings.

Most other kinds of insects have four wings.


The ladybird is a noticeable insect with its bright red or yellow body and black spots.





It is a member of the beetle group.

This is the biggest of all insect groups with, more then half a million kinds, from massive goliath and rhinoceros beetles to tiny flea-beetles and weevil-beetles.

White butterfly

The white butterfly is not usually welcome in the garden.



(White butterfly)

Their young, knows as caterpillars, eat the leaves of the gardener’s precious flowers and vegetables.

There are thousands of kinds of butterflies and even more kinds of their night-time cousins, the moths.

Insects like these white butterflies do not have bony skeleton inside their bodies like we do.

Their body are covered by a series of horny plates.

This called an exoskeleton.


The earwig is a familiar insect in the park,garden,garage,shed and sometimes house.





Despite their name, earwig do not crawl into ears or hide in wigs.

But they do like dark, damp corners.

Earwig form one of the smallest insect groups, with only 1300 different kinds.


Ants are fine in the garden and wood, but are pests in the house.



Ants, bees and wasps make up a large insect group with 300,000 different kinds.

Most can sting, although many are too small to hurt people.

However, some, such as bulldog ants, have  a painful bite.


The scorpionfly has a nasty looking sting on a long curved tail.



It flies or crawls in bushes and weeds during summer.

Only the male scorpionfly has red tail.

It looks like the sting of a scorpion but is harmless.

Insects or spiders?

                                  Animals & Birds

                          Insects are among the most numerous and widespread animals on Earth.

insectsThey form the different kinds, or species,that live almost everywhere in the world. But not all creepy-crawlies are insects.Spiders belong to different group called arachnids, and millipedes are in yet another group!